Cousins of the human race lives in the Pleiadean starconstilation - and a Swizz farmer was their trustee on earth - until now.
As Meier has dissapeared in an avalange och contradictions and "over the top"-stories, along with his "disciples" as Wendelle Stevens, another man has taken over the unclaimed New Age-crown - Randolph Winters. And as usual he sells it for a dollar sign...
By Jorgen Westman.
Most of us that has followed the history of the UFO-phenomena knows who Billy Meier is. But to the newcomers of his case - here's a fast resume:
On a January-morning in 1975 a Swizz farmer, Billy Meier, was out on a stroll close to his home in Hinwel, Zürich, Switzerland, when he heard a buzzing sound and saw a classic UFO - a silverclolored, disc-shaped object, that slowly flew in circles above him. Meier had his camera with him and took a number of photos of the craft that soon landed and out came a being and took contact with Meier.
After this contact, Meier claims to have had over 130 meetings with these cosmonauts from the Pleiadeans and he has made over 3000 notes with "messages" from them.
Meier, who started to hear "voices" as soon as 5 years old (as he claimed to have seen a UFO over the local church), dropped out of school as a 12 year old and made his living on various kind of work and was
also in prison for a while before he ended up in the Foreign Legion.Then he went to India and ended up at a meditationcenter where he worked as a snakecharmer(!)
It was here his "voices" came back and got worse. This time it was a female named "Semjase" who spoke to him (Meier took a picture of her and she was later indentified as a Swizz fashionmodel...). Meier worked his way back to Switzerland, partly as a hired American agent smuggling drugs (according to himself). It was back in Switzerland he started to see and photograph/film up to 5 different models of UFOs.
Through the American Wendelle Stevens and his partner Lee Elders, who both came to visit Meier in Switzerland, the book "UFO...Contact with the Pleiadeans" came out and people started to make pilgrim journeys to Meiers farm. This went on a couple of years until
Kal Korff released the book "UFOlogies most dishonouring hoax" which content was a close look at the Meier case and where Meier totally miscredited himself in several interviews. One of thos is about the classic 8mm-footage where Meier films a UFO circeling around a fur-tree, that he later can't point out and explains it as a case of "the UFO took it with him into another dimension"-kinda thing.Korff belives it being a bush that a model is held flying round. Meier claims that this footage was filmed within seconds, but the cloudformations shows that the time was much longer than that. And I have myself seen a footage from the video "The Meier Chronicles" that a Japanese company made (vol 1 of 2) which is a clear hoax. In this footage (8mm) a UFO is supposed to change dimension and by that just dissapear. If you look a the branch close to the camera, you can see it moving about by the wind before the UFO "dissapears". The second the UFO is gone the branch is dead still... A clear cut in the film, or at least not filmed during the same moment before and after the UFO dissapears!
Meiers claims became more and more "over the top" as his attraction faded. He came to the point where he claimed to have gone on a time-travel journey with his Pleiadean friends. On that journey he visited Jesus, but had to elope as the people tried to crucify him. Then he photographed Gods one eye, and to the question why he didn't photgraph both he answered: "He blinked." He also claimed to have flown by the Apollo and Soyuz-missions. Too bad that the austronauts didn't see him...
Billy Meier is a fake. Some people claim that he hadn't the finances or friends to fake all the photos and 8mm films. But if he claims to even had worked for the CIA as a drug-smuggler - he shure got his connections. And in several photos you can see the string that holds up the model (just emboss them!). And now it seems as Randolph Winters belives that we have forgotten this farmer with his models and burned negatives in his barn...
No, avoid this New Age-fake and most of all his new book "The Pleiadian Mission" which is about his travels to and contacts with Billy Meiers.
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